Western Australia, Australia
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-33.701705, 114.982509 : 20.0 m
5:31 AM
7:32 PM
Horário Padrão da Austrália Ocidental (+0800)
A low coastal site which takes an excellent range of wind direction from NE to N to W and even SW and features a large bare sand dune facing north. From Margaret River head north along Caves Rd, turn left at Wyadup Rd, just before Canal Rocks, about 50km from Contos. If approaching from the North it's obviously on the right just after Canal Rocks (5 km south of Yallingup). A bitumen road takes you to a turnoff on the left for Injidup beach parking area. Walk south down the beach to the sand dune for a northerly or north-easterly site, north for a westerly or south westerly
The dune is excellent for beach launching, trees to the north of the dune produce a surprising amount of lift, probably due to the big hill behind. Be careful of large trees at south end and road behind ridge top at far northern end.
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