Fars, Iran
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29.5792, 51.9202 : 2538.0 m
29.5581, 51.8861 : 1327.0 m
6:28 AM
5:06 PM
Horário Padrão do Irã (+0330)
Felt like home, terrain just like in Spain, no grass but pebbles and dusty. In the air there is a huge valley just in front of yuo that gives you comfort after passing the 'wind channels' of the canyon right in front of take off, landing area near the village, as far as I know, we just picked our spot, near the houses, no power lines, We are in Iran with groups each april and november of each year, we are based in Alicante Spain, our paragliding set up is called Doyouwanna Alicante Spain Hope to meet mersee to all Iranean pilots !!! Huge valley www.doyouwanna.net for more info about the flying in Iran for foreigners Get a local to bring you of course, do not fly their sites by your own.