Fars, Iran
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29.8361, 52.4761 : 2306.0 m
29.8494, 52.4887 : 1782.0 m
6:27 AM
5:03 PM
Horário Padrão do Irã (+0330)
We were there in november, goin back each april and november, each year with groups of European paragliding pilots. If interested on our roadtrips to Iran let us know, we are based in Alicante Spain under the name Doyouwanna Paragliding you can find us on facebook, instagram and of course our webpage www.doyouwanna.net
montain's top in the north of the university. alti: 2315m to find the track to go on the takeoff you must to find a big construction of football stadium. the better idee is to speak with local pilots... north side: alti: 1785m south side: big place! In the north of Shiraz, it's the bigger site. Use a 4X4. Take the road to Yasuj, NNE, and turn to the right to go to university (NW).
FALL is best season for flight and spring is too periless