Tyrol, Austria
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47.2422, 11.593 : 2157.0 m
47.2764, 11.5917 : 859.0 m
7:52 AM
4:59 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Central (+0100)
Great view over the Inn valley. Spectacular view on the great mountain ridge to the north and over the central alps (also glaciers).
Just below the summit of Largotz at N 47° 14' 32'' O 11° 35' 35'' facing N to NW There is a nice flat area behind a little restaurant (please ask for permission to use it and maybe have a beer afterwards...) in Voegelsberg (you can also park the car there). N 47° 16' 35'' O 11° 35' 30''. Please note that there is no windsack. Motorway exit 'Wattens', go north (direction Voegelsberg). You can go up with you car as far as the Krepperhütte (N 47° 15' 27.8'', O 11° 34' 25.6'') and walk the rest. Please harmonise the flight with Innsbruck airtraffic control (usually there is no problem with that (0043 51703 6612). Otherwise it is virgin area :-). Please harmonise the flight with Innsbruck airtraffic control (usually there is no problem with that (0043 51703 6612). Otherwise it is virgin area :-).
In the late afternoon there are mostly winds from the east. Do not fly if south winds are predicted (these are usually quite strong and turbulent) Otherwise calm.
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