Western Australia, Australia
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-31.7247, 115.7151 : 5.0 m
5:32 AM
7:25 PM
Horário Padrão da Austrália Ocidental (+0800)
Access and flying rights are currently suspended. HGAWA is trying to secure this site with the Joondaloop City Council. SITE CLOSED - Burns beach is just before Quinn’s just north of Joondalup. Take freeway all the way to the end and turn right towards Burns. The best launch area is just at the bottom of the large blowout.
SITE CLOSED - Take off from beach. In a SSW only the biggest dune with the blow out is flyable. With a good wind strength and WSW to SW winds several kilometers of flying up to the Mindarie Keys and Quinns Rocks is possible, but it may be necessary to walk a few steps to cross the bigger gaps, especially upwind. This is a public beach so watch out for spectators. Take care not to damage dune vegetation.
Although only low dunes there can be rotor behind, and the strong winds required to fly can lead to injuries if dragged. Any part of your glider landing in the ocean can be fatal - don’t become complacent with regards to these sites. The gullies can exhibit a strong Venturi effect; stay well in front in stronger winds.
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