Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
É GRÁTIS se unir ao spedmo e começar a colaborar.
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50.5829, 7.4113 : 290.0 m
50.578, 7.4121 : 126.0 m
7:44 AM
4:45 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Central (+0100)
Facing S in a narrow aisle. Beware of wind from SE. Grassland along the river Wied at the Camping. Because of the nearby airport Köln Bonn you are only allowed to fly up to 1350 m MSL. Because of the nearby airport Köln Bonn you are only allowed to fly up to 1350 m MSL.
Don't start with wind coming from SE. There is often a rotor when leaving the aisle.