Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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51.2472, 11.6868 : 215.0 m
51.2459, 11.6806 : 111.0 m
7:35 AM
4:21 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Central (+0100)
takeoff at the edge of the plateau where the little airport is located. Very easy takeoff - superb soaring and thermalling. no problems if you blunder, landing field is just below and lots of extra areas for inexperienced pilots. from Lauch follow the signs to the airport; as you turn into the access road, just follow it through: turn left, then turn right at the restaurant, hen follow the gravel road for about 500m - you will see the takeoff to the left. watch out for the sailplanes and motorized aircrafts - do not cross into the airstrip and extension east of takeoff (only 50m away). when thermalling up keep in mind that you are very close to Leipzig restricted area (starts a few km north of Laucha) - you will need to detour it if you decide to go with the wind watch out for the sailplanes and motorized aircrafts - do not cross into the airstrip and extension east of takeoff (only 50m away). when thermalling up keep in mind that you are very close to Leipzig restricted area (starts a few km north of Laucha) - you will need to detour it if you decide to go with the wind
winds can be a lot stronger than predicted on the net - this was a record site for 24h constant sailplane flying