Scotland, UK
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55.9942, -4.2153 : 360.0 m
55.9933, -4.2234 : 239.0 m
7:55 AM
4:08 PM
Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
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Walk East up the spur from the car park until the wind is strong enough to take off Land near the car park From Lennoxtown drive 3km in a NW direction (signpost Fintry) This is HIGHLY REGULATED AND SENSITIVE SITE This site is close to Glasgow airport and is under one of the main airliner approach paths. For this reason only pilots how have SIGNED A COPY OF THE CAMPSIE AGREEMENT CAN FLY HERE A copy of the CAMPSIE AGREEMENT is available to anyone from the club website. STRICT FLIGHT CEILING AS PER CAMPSIE AGREEMENT This is HIGHLY REGULATED AND SENSITIVE SITE This site is close to Glasgow airport and is under one of the main airliner approach paths. For this reason only pilots how have SIGNED A COPY OF THE CAMPSIE AGREEMENT CAN FLY HERE A copy of the CAMPSIE AGREEMENT is available to anyone from the club website. STRICT FLIGHT CEILING AS PER CAMPSIE AGREEMENT
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