Paradise Ridge

Western Cape, South Africa

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Aaron Hughes Vídeo Postado
Vikings over Africa paragliding at Paradise Ridge

Vikings over Africa paragliding at Paradise Ridge with WallendAir Paragliding in Wilderness, South Africa. January 2013.
Aaron Hughes Vídeo Postado
Paragliding at Paradise Ridge, South Africa

Soaring at Paradise Ridge, South Africa, february 2010. Take off: Major Dad's, Pilot: Barry Pedersen,
Aaron Hughes Vídeo Postado
"THE BIG FIVE" Paragliding South Africa 2008

Coastal Soaring at its finest around Wilderness, South Africa, January and February 2008. "THE BIG FIVE": Map Of Africa, Wilderness Beach Hotel, Paradise ...
Aaron Hughes Vídeo Postado
Paragliding Paradise Ridge

Gazbow, The Knife and Kitty Hawk fly Paradise Ridge.

Direção Requerida de Vento para Decolagem

Vikings over Africa paragliding at Paradise Ridge
Vikings over Africa paragliding at Paradise Ridge with WallendAir Paragliding in Wilderness, South Africa. January 2013.
Aaron Hughes Adicionado

Paragliding at Paradise Ridge, South Africa
Soaring at Paradise Ridge, South Africa, february 2010. Take off: Major Dad's, Pilot: Barry Pedersen,
Aaron Hughes Adicionado

"THE BIG FIVE" Paragliding South Africa 2008
Coastal Soaring at its finest around Wilderness, South Africa, January and February 2008. "THE BIG FIVE": Map Of Africa, Wilderness Beach Hotel, Paradise ...
Aaron Hughes Adicionado

Paragliding Paradise Ridge
Gazbow, The Knife and Kitty Hawk fly Paradise Ridge.
Aaron Hughes Adicionado


-34.0125, 22.6894 : 54.0 m

Nascer do Sol

7:05 AM

Pôr do Sol

5:48 PM

Zona Horária

Horário da África do Sul (+0200)

Please read the posted rules and regulations. Pay the usage fee at Wilderness beach hotel or Fynbos restaurant / Cheeseman at the entry gate to Gerricke's Point. It will get you a sticker for your helmet and allows you to fly the whole Garden Route (25 sites), except Gerricke's Point which is a small extra fee to fly on private property. Please purchase the site guide from http://www.eternitypress.c... It has been excerpted here many times. Please support this excellent publication.

Take off is the Kleinkrantz take-off, then cross over the dunes to Paradise Ridge. There is no longer acces to the ridge directly. It is privately owned, maybe in the future it will be possible again, but as of this writing it has been closed. Topland Kleinkrantz, or land at the bottom of the dunes and a short, but tiring walk up through the soft sand. From Wilderness, drive towards Sedgefield along the N2, take the Kleinkrantz exit on your right. Follow the bend and take the third street on your left, towards the sea. Follow the dunes untill you reach a dead end and see the windsocks. Park in the shade of a tree. 465m ASL 465m ASL

As pessoas a seguir estão monitorando as atualizações desta rampa

3 km
7 km
10 km
12 km
30 km
32 km


N 0 0
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ENE 0 0
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ESE 0 0
SE 0 5
SSE 0 5
S 10 0
SSW 0 5
SW 0 5
WSW 0 0
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NNW 0 0