Hatcher's Pass

Alaska, USA

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61.7611, -149.314 : 1391.0 m

Nascer do Sol

5:36 AM

Pôr do Sol

10:13 PM

Zona Horária

Horário Padrão do Alasca (-0800)

It's the BOMB. When it's working well the thermals are strong and a good pilot could go a long way here. There are a few local pilots who are pretty friendly but don't be dissuaded if there isn't anyone in the air because there aren't many. If it looks good, it probably is. It's very interesting flying with options 360° and views of McKinley and the Chugach mountains.

Many launch opportunities, but the best is from summit lake in the afternoon. There are potential takeoffs from numerous mountains in the area with 30 minutes hike. The takeoff at Summit Lake is accessible by car. It's a lovely place for a picnic and a hike if the flying isn't on. Ideally the landing is at takeoff, but there are large meadows 300m below Summit Lake which are unmissable. From other mountains I have landed at the parking lot at the Motherload (very large with a grassy field next to it), the parking lot at Marmot Mountain, and even the parking lot at the entrance to the state park although this one is pretty tight. From Anchorage travel north toward Palmer, then continue 3 miles toward Glenallen/Tok. Hatcher's Pass State Park is signposted on Fishhook Rd. Continue into the park and up to the Pass on a bumpy(!) dirt road which is open from June to the end of September. The pass can also be reached via the Parks highway, but there is about 20 miles more unpaved road. Plenty of wildlife viewing opportunities on this side -beavers, moose, bears, etc.... P2 P2

Uh... It's Alaska. http://www.cnfaic.org/wx/w...

3 km
22 km
28 km
32 km
48 km


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ENE 0 0
E 10 0
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 5
S 0 5
SSW 0 5
SW 10 0
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NNW 0 0