
England, UK

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Direção Requerida de Vento para Decolagem


51.6997, -0.8904 : 235.0 m

Área de Pouso

51.6968, -0.9013 : 141.0 m

Nascer do Sol

5:07 AM

Pôr do Sol

8:54 PM

Zona Horária

Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0100)

The site is for Dunstable HG & PG Club members only. Due to the difficult launch, this site is not recommended for the inexperienced. If the wind is off to the north the bowl to the right of launch works well. When flying south along the ridge, don�t cross the road without plenty of height as the air can be rough low down over Oakley Hill due to the cement works. Have about 750ft above take off before crossing the gap. Once past the quarries the ridge bends back into wind and works well in stronger winds, however in thermic conditions you could end up going down fast. There are lots of landing options here, best bet is to fly to the road to your left and land in the left hand field by the road.

The launch is completely surrounded by trees, therefore caution is advised when assessing the wind strength and direction at launch. The true wind speed is extremely hard to judge. Often the wind at launch seams very light yet it's perfectly soarable. If the wind on the ground is 10 - 12mph the true wind could be 25mph. Watch the trees behind take off to try to assist in assessing the wind speed. The take off looks more daunting than it actually is, but a committed take off is essential as it is relatively shallow and to counter the turbulence near the trees. Start your run as far back against the fence near the stile as this is the steepest part. Treat it as a nil wind launch and maintain plenty of speed as you encounter the turbulence as you clear the trees. After flying over the trees turn right and head along the corner of the ridge. na. na. Make sure you have a current air chart as there is controlled airspace above the launch. Make sure you have a current air chart as there is controlled airspace above the launch.

6 km
25 km
27 km
26 km
28 km
31 km
42 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 10 0
NNW 0 0