Longridge fell

England, UK

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Aaron Hughes Vídeo Postado
Paragliding Longridge Fell

Early Saturday morning flying in gorgeous sunshine :) Gin Bolero 5.

Direção Requerida de Vento para Decolagem

Paragliding Longridge Fell
Early Saturday morning flying in gorgeous sunshine :) Gin Bolero 5.
Aaron Hughes Adicionado


53.8659, -2.5138 : 335.0 m

Nascer do Sol

5:04 AM

Pôr do Sol

9:10 PM

Zona Horária

Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0100)

wind direction NNW-NNE clockwise

Wind: NNW - NNE (clockwise) Rating: CP Height ASL: 1000ft (300m) Top - Bottom: Varies The rigging and launch area is the edge of the grass field just before the heather and next to the edge of the ridge. Airspace: The airspace above the hill is at FL55. Behind the hill the airspace drops to 4500ft ASL at Blackburn, 3500 ft ASL at the M65, and then to ground level beyond the M62 The site must only be used by members of the Pennine Soaring Club. The bottom landing field slopes and is unsuitable for hang gliders unless very experienced and capable of a downwind upslope landing in light winds. An area of increased turbulence is found between the take off area and the car park due to the tall trees upwind Hang Gliders: Longridge is an excellent site for Hang Gliding with much more ridge to work than Winter hill, however there is no 'suitable' official bottom landing field at the time of writing. Pilots should only fly if soaring flight is possible and even then be confident that they are able to land at the bottom safely if conditions deteriorate whilst in the air. Top landing is easy, but be aware that the slope can result in an 'overshoot' if the approach was made too close to the edge. Paragliders: Landing is possible on the side of the hill above the fence but care is needed as the slope is steep. Avoid landing in the heather areas to the east of take off as this area is farmed for grouse. The wind can increase quickly as wave sets in so care must be taken to avoid being pinned. This is especially true as the wind backs to the west, as commonly happens when the sea breeze starts to take effect during summer months. The bottom landing field is the large triangular field, which has a gateway onto the roadway at the 90-degree bend. The landing field slopes but is long enough to safely land a paraglider. Be careful not to stall the glider by slowing too much trying to fly down to the slope. There are power lines in the bottom of the field. Restrictions: The site will be closed when grouse shooting is taking place on the moors along the hillside. The site must only be used by members of the Pennine Soaring Club. Directions: From Longridge follow the signs for Longridge Golf Club. Pass the golf club and continue to the public car park at SD601402. From Clitheroe take the B6243. Access: Park in the car park area and go through the gate at the east end of the car park. Follow the track until a path turns towards the ridge at a stone post. na. na.

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N 10 0
NNE 0 5
NE 0 5
ENE 0 0
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ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
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NW 10 0
NNW 10 0