Madaba, Jordan
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31.5122, 35.7321 : 703.0 m
31.5087, 35.721 : 388.0 m
6:53 AM
5:48 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Oriental (+0300)
I didn't fly this site, so information about it is really weak... Some guys told me they flew here, and from googleearth, this looks very nice indeed :) If one of you has the opportunity to test the place and give feedback... There is a road that goes down the wadi so driving to landing and back up doesn't look like an issue...
The GPS is approximative : find the suitest launch place nearby and come back here to give the real point ;) Down the valley. Find a good place and give us the exact cordinates... arriving to Wadi Musa, turn left to the village. na. na.
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