Normandy, France
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49.7868, 1.3022 : 138.0 m
49.7873, 1.3034 : 121.0 m
7:45 AM
5:31 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Central (+0100)
On the slop from N to ENE 2 take offs one NE with the venturi effect due to the combe. Not recommended to beginners. Another ENE slope easier for beginner. on the slop or in the fields if they are practicable of course! A28 Neufchatel en bray, then D1 in direction of Dieppe, until Osmoy St Valery. In the village, turn on the left towards 'Le bosquet' na. na.
Strong venturi effect by NE winds. Max 15km/h
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