Co. Clare, Ireland
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53.1128, -9.27447 : 216.0 m
53.1181, -9.2858 : 13.0 m
8:01 AM
4:42 PM
Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
Flying from October to beginning of march not recommended!!!!- cows near flying area- local farmers are not happy about to scare their animals
Nice grassy big spot on the top and few others bellow top. Beside car park. Drive by R- 479. Parking is on Fanore Beach. Hike back to R- 479 and turn right. Pass the school and follow old road for about 170 meters then cross stone wall and hike up the slop to grassy top- visible from the bellow. Hike take about 25 min. In the case strong wind you can take off from lower grassy spots. Regular ridge soaring rules Regular ridge soaring rules
Increasing wind sped.