Aragon, Spain
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41.895, 0.532279 : 658.0 m
41.8892, 0.5281 : 449.0 m
7:31 AM
5:51 PM
Horário Padrão da Europa Central (+0100)
The village has services where you can eat, drink, bathe, also has a hostel where you can sleep, plus this is the home of the famous Ktxadorada. You can visit the page for more information
na. na. Castillonroy, is located in the N-230 above the edge of Catalonia and Aragon regions, has a take-off which is accessible from the road linking with Baldellou Castillonroy, accessible by car, landing just below the takeoff, although also can land at the area lends itself particularly for flights away being a good starting point towards the East or the Northea na. na.
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