Scotland, UK
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55.5569, -3.6816 : 468.0 m
55.5572, -3.6946 : 315.0 m
7:48 AM
4:09 PM
Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
Details taken from LLSC website. initialy imported from International Leonardo
Launch anywhere on the hill - above the first ridge is the usual position. Plenty of top landing options. Land in the field at bottom of the hill (beware boggy ground). Alternative is to overfly the road and land near the car parking area.bottom field or across the road. At the normal Tinto crossroads turn south and continue for one mile. Stop at the first cattle grid. Airspace Class D 5500ft Airspace Class D 5500ft
Some turbulence on NW shoulder. Boggy ground in bottom field.
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