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56.161, -3.8389 : 367.0 m
56.1504, -3.8517 : 17.0 m
7:54 AM
4:05 PM
Horário do Meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
The Ochils PG club has a Landrover which runs up the track (90% of the walk removed). Check website for contacts and 4x4 availability.
Wide open grassy takeoffs offering SW, S and SE aspects. Many landing fields around Menstrie but check with the club as to which should be used. Do not land in field at foot of Dumyat or surrounding fields if horses about. More and more housing reducing options. From Stirling drive E to the hillfoots village of Menstrie. In the middle of the village there is a sports centre on the right hand side of the road. Park there and walk N to find a track leading up the hill. na. na.
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